Hamma toifalar

Sovg'alar to'plami

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3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set
3 in 1 vacuum flask Neck massager Power bank with phone stand Luxury Business Welcome Cooperate Gift Set

Telefon stendi bilan 1 vakuum flask Neck massajer Power bankda 3 ta Hashamatli biznes xush kelibsiz Hamkorlik sovg'asi to'plami

1.MOQ:10 PCS
2.Welcome moslashtirish uchun
3.Agar siz mahsulotlarimiz haqida ko'proq bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, iltimos biz bilan bog'laning. Rahmat!

Telefon stendi bilan 1 vakuum flask Neck massajer Power bankda 3 ta Hashamatli biznes xush kelibsiz Hamkorlik sovg'asi to'plami

1.Origin joyi :Xitoy.
2.Color printing for Graphics :1 color, 2 color, 4 color, 5 color, 6 color.
Grafika uchun 3.Printing texnikasi:Ipak ekranli bosib chiqarish, UV bosib chiqarish, Raqamli bosib chiqarish.
4.Product Turi :P romotional Office mahsulotlari, rag'batlantiruvchi uy-ro'zg'oya mahsulotlari, rag'batlantiruvchi yangilik sovg'alari.
5.Occasion :Rojdestvo, Yer kuni, Pasxa bayrami, Otalar kuni, Bitiruv, Xellouin, Onalar kuni, Yangi yil, Shukronalik kuni, Sevishganlar kuni.
6.Product Name :Qizlar uchun unicorn sovg'alari to'plami
7.feature: ekologik toza, hammom va spa tajribangizni yangilang
8.Dimensions: turli xususiyatlari.
9.Function :Teringizni eksfoliatsiya qilish va tozalash.
10.Color :Multicolor.
11.LOGO: Moslashtirilgan logotip.
12.OEM va ODM :Qabul qilinadi.
uchun 13.Ideal :Ayollar.
14.Packing: Sovg'a qutisi qadoqlash.
15.Shipping usuli: Ekspress, havo, dengiz va boshqalar bo'yicha

Biz bilan bog'laning

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